Leslie and Ryan O.

Coach Aryan
August 27, 2021
Athlete Photo

We are excited to introduce to you Ryan and Leslie Owens. This power couple has picked up so much momentum since beginning with Behemoth, and you can almost always find them both, together, pushing each other through every workout! Read below to learn more:-Who are you?RYAN: I am Ryan Owens and I am a musician (Robbie Seay Band), business owner (Rhythm Room Rehearsal Studio), husband and father. My wife Leslie and I have 3 crazy kids and an even crazier dog.I enjoy playing music, running and working with my hands and power tools!www.robbieseayband.comLESLIE: I am Leslie Owens and I am a stay at home mom to 3 amazing kids…Everett (12)…..Avery (9)…..and Levi (5). I am married to Ryan Owens. We have been married for almost 14 years, since September 8.2001. Ryan and I were high school sweethearts (he was 17 and I was 15). We have known each other over half of our lives…..crazy!-How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?RYAN: The summer of 2013 I just needed to do something different to get in shape. I had never lifted weights before and honestly was nervous about trying. I had always run and done triathlon type events to stay in shape. I love competition with myself but needed something different. I looked into CrossFit places in my area and Behemoth came up. When I looked into it and saw that Aja and Leah were actually at the ESPN CrossFit games the very week I was looking for a box I figured that they must be the best place in town. I got in touch with Aryan and signed up for the on ramp program and have loved it ever since.LESLIE: I actually knew about Behemoth way before I decided to join. Ryan decided to research some of the CrossFit places around us and came across Behemoth. He tried it and joined and had nothing but great things to say about Aja and Aryan. I knew then that if and when I decided to try it out that it would definitely be with Behemoth. Before I started here I was going to the YMCA. I love going to classes but the instructors were always coming and going and it was never consistent. I decided that when my kids were all in school that it was time for me to step out of my comfort zone and so that is when I joined and began the on ramp in August 2014. I have to say that i have grown to love it every time I go.-What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?RYAN: I was so nervous when I first started. I literally had never touched a barbell! I am very thankful that Aryan and Aja took the time to slowly make sure that we learned everything correctly. Since then I have really enjoyed seeing my weights increase and my body feel stronger. I actually did a half marathon a few weeks ago without specifically training for it and surprised myself with a great pace of 7:39! That is 100% from CrossFit and better than I would have done when I was just running.LESLIE: I would have to say that what I am most proud of is my ability to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new. I am a creature of habit so when I decided to try CrossFit, I was extremely apprehensive and nervous. I am so glad that I took that leap of faith because it has all been worth it! I am still new at it all so I am still learning. I will say though that I have surprised myself in that I can do hard things. I feel stronger in my back and arms and overall strength. I also feel like it is my duty to be a role model for my kids and if they see me trying hard things and achieving goals that I set out to make then I am teaching them that they can do the same. I still have a long way to go in getting to where I want to be in my crossfit journey but I feel like I am off to a good start ; )-Why Behemoth?RYAN: I am at Behemoth 100% because of the coaches. From when I started and we were in the tinny one garage space, to when we opened up a wall and finally had a little more room to the now huge facility..... It has always been the coaches and the fellow classmates that make it what it is. A great environment where we can push ourselves while still training smart.LESLIE: It was a no brainer for me since Ryan had been going for about a year already and absolutely loved it. I got lucky in that I am starting out my crossfit experience with amazing coaches. I could tell from my first on ramp with Aryan that I was in the right place. They really know their stuff and are passionate about it. I feel like they really take the time to show you the right way to lift and they are genuinely concerned about your well being.-What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?RYAN: I love that Leslie and I now get to go to classes together. She has really surprised me with her willingness to give CrossFit a try and I love getting to experience that with her several times a week. I just want to continue progressing, get more comfortable with the gymnastic type movements and improve my flexibility.LESLIE: Well, since I am a newbie at all of this, I think that what I am most excited about is just growing stronger, leaner, and more confident in myself. I am excited about pushing myself and allowing myself to excel.Oh and I would eventually like to whip out a ton of double unders ; )“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib section-My favorite lift is… RYAN: Thruster - because it is guaranteed to burn for a few days. LESLIE: The power clean.-My most frequent class I come to is… BOTH: MWF 9:30-I have always wanted to… RYAN: Skydive LESLIE: Ride in a hot air balloon ; )-When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is… RYAN: Attend my kids sporting events.... even though it is extremely stressful for me :) LESLIE: Is spend time with my husband and kids. Life goes by too fast not to really enjoy your loved ones. I try and soak in every second I have with my kids because I know they won’t be little for long.Some of the hobbies I enjoy are taking pictures of my kids and I am sort of crafty; ) I like making things for our home and doing building projects with Ryan.-Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is… RYAN: Being strong for my kids. Being able to help them and participate in whatever they throw at me is fun. LESLIE: Running…..while I am not super awesome at it…..it still feels good to have that alone time.-Favorite Pandora station… RYAN: Peter Gabriel LESLIE: Black Eyed Peas-Beast mode engaged when this song comes on… RYAN: Anything by Rage Against the Machine LESLIE: Hmm… I actually don’t know what that song would be but I do like anything by the Beastie Boys ; )

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