Mike B.

Coach Aryan
August 27, 2021
Athlete Photo

Meet Mike, our I am Behemoth for the month of January! Mike is one of the most motivated individuals you will ever meet and he brings energy with him every time he walks in to the gym. We can't think of a better way to kick of 2018 than by sharing the story of his health and fitness journey below.

Who are you?

Mike Berube - Age 46. I am a proud husband and father to 3 girls. I am blessed with the opportunity to stay home with my girls and be part of their everyday lives and routine. Something that may surprise some is that I once weighed 240 lbs and prior to joining Behemoth, I had not worked out since high school football. I enjoy volunteering my time as a mentor and whenever people need a helping hand. A big change to my life came when I met my wife Kelly. She is an amazing cook and has read almost every nutrition book out there. Prior to our marriage, I drank 6 Dr. Peppers a day and ate fast food at every meal. Life these days is way different. I couldn’t be happier. Being a role model for my girls and around for the next 50 years is my priority now.

How were you introduced to Behemoth?

Fall of 2016 at my kid’s bus stop. I asked Leslie and Ryan Owens what they did to stay in shape and look so fit. Behemoth was the answer. I started the following week and have never looked back.

What are you most proud of physically, mentally or both?

Mentally - I have learned I can take on anything. I used to question myself about a posted workout for that day, not knowing if I would be able to accomplish it. Then I would look over and watch Les and Marilyn crush it. They helped me realize you can do anything you put your mind to.Physically - I could only do 1 or 2 pull-ups and dips when I joined. Now I do them by the handfuls with ease.

Why Behemoth?

Something about it just spoke to me. I believe it was the Bartos and the community of all of you that made the difference.

What next?

Just show up to the gym tomorrow and tomorrow’s tomorrow. I don’t set goals. I know that sounds crazy, but it adds to much stress. I am task driven. Put something in front of me, let me accomplish that, and then on to the next thing. I like to keep it simple, life’s easier that way.

Mad Lib section: 3...2...1...GO

My favorite lift is: Wall Ball ShotsMy most frequent class is: 5:00 am these days. However, I am a 9:30er at heart.I have always wanted to: Be a fireman and be on Survivor.When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is: Drink fine wine with my wife Kelly.Favorite application of fitness outside the gym: Yard work, walking my black lab Charlie and playing with my kids (4 square, volleyball, throwing the football, and bike rides).Favorite Pandora station: Outlaw CountryBeast mode engaged when this song comes on: I thought you knew me. I am always in beast mode.

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