Marci B.

Coach Aryan
August 27, 2021
Athlete Photo

We are so excited to share Marci's journey! Marci is a phenominal teacher, a mom and an inspiration to so many in and out of the gym. We know that whatever she does, she will do it 100%, with a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She truly is BSHEMOTH.Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.

I am a teacher and mom to Ryker (the Behemoth Child). I teach first grade language arts at McFee Elementary in Cy-Fair ISD. It is a Title 1 school, which means a high percentage of the student population comes from economically disadvantaged homes. I love working with those kids and giving them love and structure that they may not get at home. I have moved a lot in my life and can relate to some of these kids that move a lot and are the 'new kid' so often in their lives, even though the moves may be for different reasons. I moved a lot because of my dad's job as a minister and following opportunities to improve our lives. I learned to adapt to new locations, people, and cultures very quickly. I think these experiences helped to shape who I am today. It takes a lot to rattle me. I can take a lot of change or discomfort and keep going...adapt/soldier on, if you will. I was in choir all of my school-age years and still sing whenever and wherever the mood strikes...which is generally anywhere, anytime HAHA! Feel free to join in with me! My whole family sings and burst into song on a regular basis. I never participated in ANY team sports and never considered myself 'athletic'. My height drew some coaches to me, but I assured them attempts at recruiting me were mistakes on their part. I was, and still am, not the most coordinated individual. It's okay. I'm learning how to work around it.

How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?

I started at Behemoth in January 2014. Ryker was around 4.5 months old at the time. I had not worked out through my entire pregnancy for several reasons. I used to run, walk, Zumba, do workout videos, etc. before pregnancy. I was never consistent when it was left up to me to be accountable for my fitness. I was very intimidated by crossfit and hesitant to ever try it. I came to the Saturday trial class that was offered at that time and couldn't make it through the whole thing. Aryan and Lee probably thought I was the weakest person ever! I was so disappointed that I had let myself get to that point. I was still intimidated by the athleticism of those working out in the actual group class that morning (They also probably thought I was a weak, Jello-mold of a woman, too. Haha), but I wanted to be better for myself and for Ryker. So I took the biggest and best step of my life to become part of the Behemoth Family!

What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?

EVERYTHING!! Behemoth has changed my life in so many ways! I have done things I never imagined I could do. I believe in myself so much more now than when I started. Even with the many setbacks I've endured within these past few years, Behemoth has been a constant source of nourishment and positivity. If there was something I struggled with, at first I would avoid it. With support from coaches and my fellow Behemoth Family, I changed my attitude to one of 'progress not perfection'. I focus on improvement rather than retreat. I used to HATE cleans...hang or power. Now with work and superb coaching, I have improved them to the point that I don't cringe when I see them in the WOD. I push myself knowing that my son will look to me as an example and I take that responsibility very seriously. I love that Behemoth actually enjoys being a part of that responsibility as well!

Why Behemoth?

I joined Behemoth because the coaches encourage without being pushy or judgmental. I had already had 2 surgeries on my right knee with no physical therapy or rehab either time. Our coaches were quick to work with Dr. Canada to get the therapy that I needed and modify my workouts until my knee was strong enough to do it all. Knowing the coaches truly cared for my physical well-being had me hooked on Behemoth. From then on it has blossomed into so much more. The coaches have always been willing to do, and have done, so much to ensure more than just my physical well-being. I know I am cared for and a part of the family. The bond shared by the Behemoth Family is beyond compare! If I didn't have all of you supporting and encouraging me, I'd lose my mind and gain some pounds!!

What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?

Thanks to Behemoth, I'm looking forward to tackling whatever comes my way with more confidence and strength than ever before! I know I will still be able to pick up my giant of a 4-year-old, who still needs Mommy to hold him when he's sad, because I am building strength and can apply my fitness properly. I am excited to continue improving and progressing my quality of movement and level of strength with my Behemoth Family!

“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib section

-My favorite lift is…Push Press. Love going overhead!

-My most frequent class I come to is…Summer 9:30 am/School year 5:00 pm

-I have always wanted to…own an RV and drive all over the continent.

-When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is…play with Ryker, watch TV, EAT (I love food).

-Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is…Ryker and being a single mom any heavy lifting/moving that has to be done around the house...I've got my own muscles ;-)

-Favorite Pandora station…Hip Hop BBQ

-Beast mode engaged when this song comes on…usually anything I know the lyrics to gets me a good beat. The rhythm is gonna get you...amped! :-D

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