Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.
I am a Sottish Roofer who runs a tight ship where snuggles are the best form of medicine and random living room dance parties are required. I canNOT count how many times I have karaoke-d Salt-n-Peppa and chances are I can beat you in a belching competition. But I am getting a bit ahead of myself… let me start at the beginning.
I was born in Scotland where my Dad’sentire side of the family lives. My family is truly AHHHHMAZING!!!! Not only ismy Dad the first generation to immigrate to the United States but he also justhappens to be my hero. And where would a hero be without his Queen? My Mom isone of the most giving people I have ever met… all you have to do is see theway the grandkids swarm to her and you get it. My parents have been married for36 years and are a true testament to what living through faith looks like. Theirrelationship with God has built a solid foundation which I often need a realitycheck to see and prioritize for myself. I will strive my whole life to be halfthe parents they have been to my siblings and I.
Speaking of siblings…my older brother andyounger sister are two of my best friends. My brother is constantly surprising mewith his ability to take on any task he sets his mind to and my sister makesany occasion better by just being there. To give you an idea of ourrelationship, my brother gave us “go girls” for Christmas last year and my sisterliterally makes binge watching “Modern Family” the HIGHLIGHT of my week (easyto please I guess). They just BE MY PEOPLE.
How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?
Contrary to popular belief at our gym, my husband’s name is James. He is my complete opposite which is absolutely PERFECT. We met through my best friend while I was at Texas A&M studying Industrial Distribution. He is a 2nd generation Aggie on both sides so to say gameday is a religion would be an understatement. James surprised me with our first (fur)baby, Auzzie, who still follows me around like a puppy and who has never failed to brighten my day with his wicked toothy smile. Our human gremlin’s names are Charlie (6) and Andie (2) and they MAKE LIFE FUN (unless you feed them after midnight). I think I would have 10 of them if time and money weren’t an issue (and yes I realize they haven’t hit the teen years yet but just let me dream). Although they drive me CRAYZAY, I totally LOVE BEING A MOM (I was already crazy beforehand)!
Steve Smith, who was Behemoth’s I AmJanuary, is one of my best friends whom also happens to be the owner of thecompany I work for. Steve and I met in distribution where I became his salesrep for roofing material. It took 4 years of convincing to get me to come onboard but it was one of the BEST decisions I have ever made. He has been a trueblessing in my life and my family and I are extremely grateful for him and his family.Looks like you’re stuck with us now Steve… plus I just know too much ?.
When I started working for Steve, we both embarked on an unintentional health journey. It started with Beast Body videos, which I truly wish we had recorded evidence of because it would be HILARIOUS now-a-days! As we searched for something more, we found Orange Theory. We still hold a love/hate relationship with OTF with all that blasted cardio, but we knew it wasn’t exactly what we were looking for. WELL THEN WE FOUND IT AND SOOO MUCH MORE. I don’t think we knew how much we needed you guys! The community, the commitment, the challenge, the friendship, the knowledge, the LOVE and PLAIN OUT ASS KICKING!
What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?
I am proud of the commitment I have made to myself. The commitment to always search for my “why”! To continually work to get to know myself better understanding very well I am constantly changing and evolving in this thing called life. It is an adventure. An adventure I hope my girls see and will want for themselves. To be true to themselves. To own their health and to strive to be their best selves. To have the confidence and desire to follow their hearts and dreams wherever that may take them. To be happy and to LOVE THEMSELVES!
Also, I would certainly be remiss if I didnot mention the impact Steve has had in my health and wellness journey. He ismost certainly the reason I have been able to commit to my work, my family andmy health in the way that I have these past two years. It is hard now-a-days tofind a company that truly cares about your wellbeing! Well not only can I saythat about my company, but I can also say that about my gym. GOD SURE IS GOOD!
What has been your biggest, yet most rewarding obstacle to overcome, whether in the gym or on your health journey to date?
I would not call it an obstacle but rather an event of self-discovery. Having kids has, to date, been the most painfully rewarding thing I have ever experienced. They are FREAKIN AWESOME but I did have to do some serious soul searching and praying to find the person that I am today! I LOVED being pregnant! Regardless of being high risk and having intermittent issues throughout both pregnancies, there is nothing quite like it in this life! The only way I can think to describe it is MIRACULOUS! Both born PERFECT… but then came the hard part! Working, pumping, commuting, pumping, sleep deprivation, pumping, complete physical and mental changes… and did I mention pumping? Having Charlie truly challenged my underlying driver of “doing it all”! Somewhere between trying to be Mom of the Year and World’s Best Employee, I lost myself. I had to take a step back. I needed to realize I CANNOT DO IT ALL… and that is something I still struggle with today. Having Andie amplified this effect in the best way possible as well. It is strange having your children teach you thinks you never knew about yourself! So I am getting better at it… trying to SLOW DOWN and enjoy the ride! Cultivate relationships, have a conversation (and not through text messaging), ask questions and actually listen, pick up a book (even if it does happen to be Brown Bear Brown Bear), make time for snuggles and SAY NO sometimes… it is ok to miss out on something… you never know what you might be gaining in its place ?.
Why Behemoth?
Well when we met the long-haired Asian and his beautiful blonde Queen we immediately fell in love ?. However, as time went on we discovered it was so much more than that! It is a fellowship of people we CHOOSE to talk to, laugh with and rely on! Groups of totally different individuals from different walks of life who somehow fit together like a puzzle. A community I miss when I am sick for just a day! People I believe in and lean on… it is a truly unique and beautiful thing you all have built and I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of it. THANK YOU!
What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?
I am up for whatever comes next! I will continue my quest of self-discovery and longevity. However, it I was a betting gal, I would say a Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu class could be in my future.
“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib section
-My favorite lift (movement) is…
NOT the assault bike. ANYTHING but the assault bike.
-My most frequent class I come to is…
-I have always wanted to…
Go on a cruise! I love the water, the fresh air and witnessing different cultures!
-When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is…
Play…. Finding the fun in whatever we are doing or have around us and enjoying it with family and friends. Never grow up but never stop growing!!
-If I could make ANY of the Behemoth coaches do 100 burpees it would be...
All of them! Split them up and SPREAD THE LOVE!
-Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is…
Carrying around the 35 pound nugget we call Andie.
-Favorite band/genre/Pandora station to workout to is…
Shuffle… as long as it has a wicked beat and is loud you know I’ll be movin!
-Beast mode engaged when this songcomes on…
Get up offa that thang – James Brown.