Jennifer and JJ H.

Coach Aryan
August 27, 2021
Athlete Photo

-Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.Jennifer- I grew up north of Houston in Willis, TX and attended Texas A&M. JJ and I have been married for almost 10 years and we have one son, Dylan, who is 7. I’ve worked in the hospitality industry for almost 15 years, and I am currently the Membership Director for a private country club in Houston.JJ- I was born in Mexico City and I love Texas country music. I work as a production coordinator for a large lighting manufacturer.-How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?Jennifer- I had been taking a local boot camp class for a couple of years when I found myself wanting to get more out of my workouts. I had always been intrigued by CrossFit, but also found it extremely intimidating. In early 2015 I decided push myself out of my comfort zone and started searching for CrossFit gyms in the area. Behemoth stood out right away. The reviews were great, and after stalking the website for a while (and reading every single “I AM”...) I signed up for the free introductory class. I was so nervous driving in the first day, but I survived, and really enjoyed Aryan’s coaching style. I completed the on-ramp in late March and have been taking class 3-5 days a week since.JJ- By my wife. Right after she joined, she talked about how much she enjoyed the classes, how the coaches were really focused on progress, how there was big camaraderie amongst everybody, and how everyone pushed each other to do better. She convinced me to come watch a workout and see what I thought. I had been doing some conditioning work at my brother’s gym, but that was only 2 times per week. I needed something closer to home and more days out of the week.-What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?Jennifer- I am absolutely physically stronger than when I started. But, I think what I am most proud of is that JJ and I have found something that we can do together and that Dylan gets to see us do it. I am proud of the example we are setting for him.JJ- The changes to my body and having lost some weight. Since I’m a diabetic and I have high cholesterol, my doctor keeps getting on to me about the weight loss.-Why Behemoth?Jennifer- Hands down…because of the coaches. I remember coming home after the intro. class and telling JJ that Aryan had shown me a push-up modification that made so much sense. I’d never had someone care to help me move beyond my wide armed knee push-ups before. The coaches at Behemoth are all genuinely invested in helping each of us improve. Whether its correction to your form, encouraging you to push yourself, or tips on how to reign in your diet or reduce your stress, I always feel like I get personalized attention even in a group setting.JJ- Jennifer had been thinking about joining a CrossFit gym for a while, and she does a lot of research before she makes a decision. She had heard great things about the gym and about the coaches.-What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?Jennifer- I’m looking forward to getting a handle on nutrition this year and continuing to push outside of my comfort zone. Finally conquering some real push-up wouldn’t be so bad either!JJ- I just want to keep improving. I am looking forward in the not so distant future to be able to get off the cholesterol and diabetes medication.“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib section-My favorite lift (movement) is…Jennifer- CleansJJ- Deadlifts-My most frequent class I come to is…Jennifer- 7pmJJ- Mostly the 7p.m. class-I have always wanted to…Jennifer- Go white water raftingJJ- Travel to Australia-When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is…Jennifer- Spend time with family and friends, watch Aggie football, travel, try new restaurants, and see live music.JJ- Hang out with my wife and kiddo, take trips to the hill country, and go to concerts.-Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is…Jennifer- Playing with Dylan, making less trips carrying the groceries, running up and down the stairs at work, and I may or may not have recently sprinted through the mall to the restroom after JJ and I decided to have a few margaritas before starting our Christmas shopping!JJ- Being a dad to an active 7 year old.-Favorite Pandora station…Jennifer- Texas/Red Dirt CountyJJ- Anything Texas country-Beast mode engaged when this song comes on…Jennifer- Eminem - Lose YourselfJJ- Boomtown by The Dirty River Boys.

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