Jen O.

Coach Aryan
August 27, 2021
Athlete Photo

Meet Jen, our I AM BSHEmoth for the month of November! Jen has been with Behemoth for several years now and has worked so hard to get where she is today. Regardless of the time of day, 5am or 5pm, Jen is there to work hard and set an example for everyone around her!Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.I am originally from little ol’ Roswell, NM, and no, I don’t know any aliens. I grew up in a super tight-knit, sarcastic, fun family. My sisters nicknamed me “Noodles” because I was so skinny my arms and legs looked like spaghetti noodles. Hard to believe that now. My dad taught me how to bet on horses when I was a kid, so he was instrumental in starting my gambling career. My mom didn’t teach me how to cook, which is ok with me, but not so much with my husband. I moved to Houston 12 years ago and met my husband Josh. We got married after just 10 months of dating, and we will celebrate our 11th anniversary this year. Thank god I snagged him before he found out I couldn’t cook. We have a 9-year-old daughter, Lola. She is on the swim team, and she is really good at blackjack. How and when were you introduced to Behemoth? I started CrossFit about a year and a half before I joined Behemoth in 2014. I really got into wanting to perfect my technique, lift heavier, and challenge myself more, so I knew I needed to find a gym that would foster that. I researched several gyms, and Behemoth seemed to be the perfect fit. It was a leap of faith that paid off in so many ways. What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?No doubt, I’m proud of the physical transformation I’ve made; however, I’m most proud of the example I’m setting for my daughter. I know she’s watching me in and out of the gym, and I’m motivating her (I hope) to give 100% to her goals. I am proud to show her that physical and mental limitations can be broken. I am also very proud that I am able to look at failure differently now. As a high achiever at the office and in my home life, it’s humbling to not to hit a PR every time I pick up the bar or Rx every workout. I’ve been able to find something outside of my comfort zone that I’m not inherently good at, and turn it into a passion for improvement and growth. Why Behemoth? As soon as I walked into Behemoth, I knew this was serious biz. This wasn’t a place where we would just throw around weights and try to find the biggest badass of the group. Aja coached my first class, and I was impressed with how he paid attention to each member and their individual strengths/weaknesses – both physical and mental. He really empowered each member to do their best, push harder, and work to their potential during every class. Then I met Aryan and Leah, and it was clear all the coaches shared the same philosophy. When the whole team is on the same page, it makes it easier for the members to follow suit. It’s the classic case of leading by example. It helps each member rise to the challenge. I am able to walk into the gym, assess the workout, strategize how I will tackle it using my strengths and improving my weaknesses. That type of mentality transfers to everyday life.What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?Next, I’m really tackling my nutrition so I can see maximum results. I am always excited to pursue the challenges of CrossFit, whether it is a new skill, a heavier lift, or just finding the mental fortitude to make it through a workout. I’m driven by accomplishment, and there are small victories to be won every day I go to Behemoth.“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib sectionMy favorite lift is… Snatch or clean and jerk. My most frequent class I come to is… I am a 5am or 6am person. When I walk into work later in the morning, there is always a huge spread of donuts and pastries. I can walk away with my workout-weary legs and say “nope. I worked too hard to blow it.” It keeps me on track.I have always wanted to… In the gym? Do pullups. That is yet to be accomplished, but I’m getting there. In everyday life? Write a book.When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is… spend time with my husband Josh and my daughter Lola. I am also a bookworm, so you will find me with my nose in a book. Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is… working in the yard or doing home improvement projects with Josh. I like that he doesn’t need to call a friend over because his wife can lift heavy stuff and use power tools. I also like those moments when someone needs to move a heavy box in the office, and I can kick off my heels and take care of that. Favorite Pandora station…Michael Jackson, classic rock, 90s gangsta rap...I’m not pickyBeast mode engaged when this song comes on… Thunderstruck by AC/DC

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