Bethany A.

Coach Aryan
August 27, 2021
Athlete Photo

Bethany is our I Am BSHEmoth for the month of November! Since joining the Behemoth family earlier this year, Bethany has gone from a BFit All Star to joining CrossFit group classes and making some amazing progress both in the gym and out. Not only does she show up with a positive mindset and attitude each day, but she attacks each workout with everything she has. It has bee awesome to watch her fitness journey, and we are excited to share a little bit more about her below!

-Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.

I love my job; I know, teaching high schoolers doesn’t seem like it would be a “love” kind of job, but I really like what I do, and I feel like I make a difference in a kid’s life almost every day. I’m a Coog! I graduated from UH in 2012, and I’m saving up to go back to school to get my masters in applied English linguistics at the University of Reading… in England. I can hold a conversation in Japanese, and I often use this skill to get my student’s attention when they’re distracted. I’m a nerd!

-How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?

I was introduced to Behemoth by my health-savvy friend Cortney Jacobs. She made a facebook post about crossfit, which was something badass I had always wanted to try but never wanted to do alone. I went to an on-ramp class with her, and jumped my out-of-shape ass into B-fit. I literally started at the bottom, and I’ve been growing stronger ever since!

-What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?

I’m proud of myself physically because once I made the decision to not only work out, but also change the way I eat, I began to see results I never thought I could see!

I’m proud of myself mentally, because I have self-control and I know how to use it- that’s something I wasn’t able to boast for a very long time.

I’m proud of myself emotionally, because my heart is full of hope again. Whatever my future holds, I’ll be strong enough to handle it, and I’ll love it no matter what.

-Why Behemoth?

Because no gymtimidation! I’ve felt supported since day 1, and the only judgement I feel when I grab a bar and weights is my own.

-What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?

I’m excited to see my body change, and get into “uncharted territory” as far as my weight. I want to LIKE my arms, and wear a shameless bikini next summer. And even if I don’t- I’m excited to be proud of my accomplishments.

“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib section

-My favorite lift (movement) is...Tire flips! Because I feel like the Hulk; or banded push-ups (boing)!

-My most frequent class I come to is...5pm group class or 6pm B-fit

-I have always wanted to...Travel the world!

-When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is...Spend time with my 3 little sisters!

-Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is...Cooking healthful foods!

-Favorite Pandora station... Sonata Arctica (power metal), Awolnation, Black Keys, or Deadmau5

-Beast mode engaged when this song comes on…OK, SO, nerd that I am- I love to work out to video game music. I just picture that little guy running and slashing baddies- it’s fun to imagine myself doing that haha!

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