Mackenzie F.

Coach Aryan
August 27, 2021
Athlete Photo

Mackenzie Ferguson is our spotlight athlete for the first part of September. Take a read below to find out a little bit more about this BeSHEmoth!-Who are you Mackenzie Ferguson? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise people.I was born on June 26, 1999 and moved to Chicago soon after. We moved to a small town called Plainfield and on from there, that's where I grew up. After about 9 years we moved to Houston, I felt homesick and started to not feel myself. I was underweight and on the verge of depression and I wasn't happy. Exhausted and on the verge of giving up, I found Behemoth. I felt a change was something that needed to be put in hand. As I grew more and started getting serious about crossfit, I noticed a change in my physical appearance and my overall attitude. I noticed that people actually cared about you and your overall health. The atmosphere at the box gave me a new perspective on my life and saved my own. I've met people that gave me another outlook on life, a positive one and these are the people I want to share a relationship for as long as I can. If it wasn't for the support from my family at the box I wouldnt be standing here today. Im grateful for the struggles I've overcome because they made me a stronger, happier BSHEmoth. -How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?I heard about Behemoth from my dad, Bryan Ferguson, he was the one that got me started. I have been at Behemoth for a little bit over a year, beginning my journey when I was only 13.-What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?I joined Behemoth for my overall health. I knew that I was unhealthy and underweight and I felt that crossfit was something to help me both mentally and physically. The changes I've seen in my overall health and fitness are impeccable. I knew from the start I wanted to do strength training and from that point on I feel like it's something I almost do too much of :). I have so much more confidence in myself to do things that challenge me in ways I thought weren't possible. It puts a smile on my face to know I've worked so hard and have gotten somewhere I've wanted to get with myself. I am proud to simply walk through the doors at Behemoth every day. I never fail to suprise myself in the things I achieve and the obstacles I overcome!-Why Behemoth?Because Behemoth can change your perspective on going to the gym. I noticed that there is so much support throughout the box and there are similar people who can relate to the struggles I have gone through and the successes I have reaped to get where I am today. I love that. Behemoth is more than just a gym, its a community and a family of support.-What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?Im excited for future projects and goals I get to pursue here in the near future here at Behemoth. I always have goals for myself to become something bigger, stronger and better. I'm super excited for what's in store for the next year and in the future AND I'm proud to say I'll be sharing them with Behemoth!3, 2, 1, GO…My favorite lift is…The snatch, I feel like a badass when I hit a full snatch!My most frequent class I come to is the…6 PM class, I love finishing the day with a good workoutI have always wanted to…complete a muscle-up. I feel that it shows immense strength to be able to pull your body up like thatWhen I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is…dance!Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is….I feel everything I do outside of the box is an "application of fitness" and I apply my fitness in everyday life.Favorite Pandora station is…Hip hop BBQ. I listen to it almost all the time I'm working out.Beast mode engaged when this song comes on…"I cant stop" - Flux Pavilion.

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